Financial Aid Questions - FA(Q)s

请点击下面的链接观看视频,解释许多不同的金融 援助主题从如何申请经济援助,到令人满意的学业进步(SAP).

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下面是一些常见的话题和问题,可以帮助你申请和导航 your way through the financial aid process.


General FAFSA/CA Dream Act Application 

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How do I apply for financial aid? 

To apply for Financial Aid, you need to:

1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online.

Watch the video for more information.

如果您不符合要求,请填写加州梦想法案申请 complete the FAFSA. Watch video for more information on the Dream Act Application


2. 通过我们的文件提交网站Cuyamaca Financial提交任何所需的文件 Aid Student Forms.

3. 如果你曾就读于除格罗斯蒙特以外的任何学院,请申请官方学术证明 所有以前上过的大学的成绩单都寄到库亚马卡 College Admissions and Records Office. If the transcripts are issued to you personally, they must be sealed as "Official Transcripts." Submit them in the original SEALED envelope to the Admissions and Records Office. You need to reapply for financial aid every school year. The best time to apply is October 1st through March 2nd.


4. You need to reapply for financial aid every school year. The best time to apply is October 1st through March 2nd.


Complete a FAFSA application

Complete the CA Dream Act Application


Change in income can be considered a special circumstance. Special Circumstances refer to the financial situations (loss of a job, etc.) that allow an aid administrator 使用更新的收入信息,通过调整来计算你的经济援助资格 data elements in the Cost of Attendance(COA) or in the Student Aid Index (SAI) / Expected Family Contribution(EFC) calculation. If your income has changed from the base year listed on your FAFSA you may be eligible for special circumstances.


contact your Financial Aid Advisor for more information

我没有可以在FAFSA上列出的父母信息,或者我有工作 live away from my parents.

独自生活并不能使你在经济援助方面独立. To be 被认为是独立的,你必须至少满足以下要求之一:
• be at least 24 years old
• be legally married
• be a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces
• be on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
• have legal dependents other than a spouse

孤儿(父母都去世了),从13岁起,随时被寄养 care or be a dependent or ward of the court

• be an emancipated minor as determined by a Court in California

• be in a legal guardianship as determined by a Court

•成为一个无家可归或自食其力的无人陪伴的青年,并面临被遗弃的风险 homeless
• be a postgraduate student (beyond a bachelor’s degree).


如果你不能在FAFSA上提供亲生父母/养父母的信息, you may qualify for an unusual circumstance determination.

特殊情况是指援助管理人有理由作出决定的情况 根据特殊情况对学生依赖状态的调整.g., 人口贩卖,难民或庇护身份,父母遗弃,监禁), more commonly referred to as a dependency override. 
如果你不能在FAFSA/ CA梦想法案申请中提供父母信息 contact your Financial Aid Advisor for more information.

What is the Title IV School Code for Cuyamaca College?

Cuyamaca College - 014435

Here are Title IV school codes for some local colleges:
 - Grossmont College - 001208
 - SDSU: 001151
 - UCSD: 001317


我收到了一个错误,我的名字,出生日期和社会安全号码列出 on my FAFSA® form do not match my FSA ID. What does that mean?

姓名,出生日期(DOB)和社会安全号码(SSN)你列出的自由 申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA®)表格必须与您列出的内容相符 you registered for your FSA ID exactly. If you're getting this error, it means that 你的FSA ID和FAFSA表格上的姓名、出生日期或SSN不匹配.

当您输入学生或家长的FSA ID信息时,通常会出现此错误 in the wrong field. Make sure you added the student’s or parent’s FSA ID information to the correct role first. This is one reason why it's very important that you don’t use anyone's FSA ID but your own.

如果交换学生和家长不是问题,你可以检查一下你的FAFSA form and FSA ID information match up by following these steps:

Check Your FSA ID Information

1. Log in to your account.

2. Go to the “Personal Information” page under Settings.

3. 检查列出的您的姓名、出生日期和社会安全号码,并验证三者是否匹配 what appears on your Social Security card exactly. If your   information matches, proceed to the next step of checking your FAFSA information. If your information doesn’t (注:如果您编辑了您的FSA ID信息,您可能需要 等待最多3天的信息处理,然后才能使用您的FSA ID to log in to your FAFSA form.

General Financial Aid 

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How do I check my financial aid application status?

您可以查看您的经济援助状态,查看所需的文件,并查看您的财务 aid award information (once available) on Self-Service.
Click here to access Self-Service.



Why do I have to Update Student Data (Major/Ed Goal) with Admissions?

为了获得经济援助资格,学生需要有一个通往职业的教育目标 证书/学位,副学士学位,未转学的副学士学位,或转学 without associate degree. 

如果你的教育目标不在上面列出的目标之一,你将不得不更新 your student data (major/Ed goal) with Admissions and Records.

如果你的经济援助申请状态显示你被要求更新学生 Data (Major/Ed Goal) with Admissions, you can click this link below.


Update Student Data (Major/Ed Goal) with Admissions.


如果您需要提交文件,您将需要创建Cuyamaca Financial Aid Student Forms in Campus Logic using the link below.  You can also check your financial aid application status through Self-Service to see if you have any documents that need to be submitted.


Campus Logic


To create an account, please go to Financial Aid Student Forms/ Campus Logic, click the "create account" button.

  • 您创建的帐户将与您的FAFSA申请信息进行核对 所以请记得在创建学生时输入你的人口统计信息 Forms account just as you entered it on your FAFSA application.
  • 创建帐户并成功登录学生表格帐户后, 您将看到需要哪些文件以及如何完成和提交的说明 them. 您还可以安全地上传图片,pdf文档和其他附件 (such as IRS Tax Return Transcripts).

For more assistance click here for instructions

How do I reset my password for my Financial Aid Student Forms account?

要重置密码,您需要点击位于“忘记密码”的标题 under the password text field section.  If you are unable to reset your password on your own, please contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance with your password.

How do I unlock my Financial Aid Student Forms/Campus Logic account?

To unlock your account after exceeding the reset password option, please contact the Financial Aid Office so that your account can be unlocked and access restored.


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

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What is Satisfactory Academic Progress? (SAP)

In general, students must maintain a semester and an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher. 注册副学士学位或转学课程的学生还必须有一个总体 2.0 GPA after two years. To maintain SAP, students should complete the following:

  • 全日制学生(12个或以上单元)每学期必须完成至少9个单元
  • Three-quarter-time students (9-11.5 units) must complete at least 7 units each semester
  • Half-time students (6-8.5 units) must complete at least 5 units each semester
  • Less than half-time students (0.5-5.5 units) must complete .5 units

For more information on SAP standards

I have to complete a maximum unit appeal, what does that mean?

已修满71个单元或尝试过90个单元的学生(副学士学位/转学) 或完成36个单元或尝试45个单元(证书目标) 是否需要提交上诉,以确定进一步的资格 for financial aid at Cuyamaca College. 


For more information on maximum unit appeals

Why am I on Financial Aid "Warning/Disqualification"?

你将被警告/取消资格,因为你未能满足经济援助的要求 Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. The first time it occurs you will be placed “警告”状态,并且连续第二个学期没有达到SAP,你 will be “Disqualified” from receiving most types of Financial Aid.


For more information on SAP standards

Disbursement and Payments

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How do I check my award information?

File status information will be available through your Self-Service account under Cuyamaca Financial Aid. Once awarded, an "Award Information" button 会出现并列出奖励类型和奖励发放日期吗.

Click here for instructions.

How do I get my financial aid payment?

正规网赌软件推荐为您提供银行移动支付,一项技术 solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.


For more information on BankMobile Disbursements

How do I update disbursement preferences?

您可以通过登录您的BankMobile来设置或更改您的付款偏好 account on the internet  or through the BankMobile app.



Related Resources

Exit Counseling PDF

Annual Security Report

Apply and Enroll