Full-Time Faculty

詹姆斯曾跟随埃里克·韦拉瑟、凯利·托马斯和布伦特·达顿学习大号 studied conducting with Eric Weirather and Gregg Hanson.  As a freelance professional 大号手詹姆斯曾与Seaside Brass, Westwind Brass和San Diego乐队合作 Winds. Mr. Sepulvado is a member of the American Federation of Musicians Union, Local 325. James is President and co-founder of the San Diego Winds.

Taylor Smith, PhD



taylor.smith@gcccd.edu  |  Work #: 619-660-4627  |  Personal Website

B-315 |办公时间|上午12-1:30,下午8:45-9:30,下午1:30-3p,下午10-11:00

音乐理论与实践|爵士乐史(mus111) |音乐技术导论 (mus120) |摇滚、流行与灵魂乐合奏(mus108) |音乐产业研讨会(mus121)


Taylor Smith joined the Cuyamaca College faculty in 2008. He earned a PhD in Musicology 获得克莱蒙特研究生大学音乐硕士学位(历史表演实践) emphasis) from CGU, and a BMA from BYU-Idaho. Dr. Smith frequently performs on double bass, viola da gamba, electric bass, and as an electronic musician.



Adjunct Faculty


Ariana Warren, DMA



ariana.warren@gcccd.edu  |  arianawarren.com

Office Hours (Zoom): Thursday 1:30-2:45p Zoom link here.

音乐基础(mu -001) |表演研究(mu - 190,191,290,291)


Dr. Ariana Warren is a woodwinds artist and educator in San Diego, CA. A multifaceted performer, Dr. Warren can be heard performing in ensembles including Joe Garrison 夜行人,百鬼,巴斯夫,城市芭蕾舞团和圣地亚哥 Musical Theater. As an educator Dr. Warren teaches at Cuyamaca College and has a private studio both in person and online. Dr. Warren holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts degree 以及皮博迪音乐学院的音乐硕士和学士学位 Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University.


Amy Hacker


amy hacker


Office Hours (Zoom):

Intro to World Music (Mus-116)

Personal websiteamyhacker.com


自2008年以来,艾米·哈克一直在教授世界音乐和音乐史课程 在圣地亚哥州立大学获得音乐硕士学位,主修民族音乐学 University. She also owns and directs an Indonesian Gamelan ensemble, called Kembang Sunda, which performs regularly throughout Southern California.  Ms. Hacker is well 精通世界各地的音乐传统,并曾在不同的乐团演出 including:  Javanese, Balinese and Sundanese gamelan; West African drumming and dance;  Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian drumming; Japanese Butoh dance; East Indian Odissi dance; and Zimbabwean Mbira and Marimba music.  She has also traveled extensively and researched 在亚洲、欧洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的30多个国家进行音乐实践, including living in Indonesia for three years. Her educational and personal experiences combined together give Ms. Hacker an in-depth understanding of musical cultures from around the world that she passes on to her students.


Joe Bigham, PhD


Joe Bigham


Office Hours (Zoom):

History of Rock Music (Mus-115)


乔·比格姆一直是库亚马卡社区学院的兼职教员 2008.  He received his Ph.D. in music in 2013 from the University of California, San Diego, examining the intersection of “guitar culture” with internet media.  Joe has 之前教过摇滚史(MUS 115)和爵士乐史(MUS 111)课程, and currently teaches History of Rock online.  Joe is an active guitarist in Southern 加州,领导他的乐队Mojo Sessions,并与许多公司合作 and event bands.  In addition to teaching at Cuyamaca Community College, Joe lectures in the Culture, Art, and Technology program at UCSD.


Heather Vorwerck


Heather Vorwerck


Great Music Listening (Mus-110)


Reka Parker




Piano I-IV (Mus-132, 133, 232, 233)


雷卡·帕克出生在欧洲的匈牙利,在那里她接受了经典的训练 Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. She audited classes at the Bela Bartok Jazz Conservatory. During that time, she was featured on the National Radio of Budapest and performed live on television. She received her bachelor’s degree in film Scoring 她曾在著名的伯克利音乐学院(berkeley College of Music)攻读爵士研究硕士学位 Diego State University. Reka’s performance history includes many shows with the late “爵士教父”乔·马里洛,圣地亚哥终身音乐奖得主. She played 与圣地亚哥音乐奖最佳爵士专辑得主内森·哈伯德一起在KSDS爵士88现场演出 in 2015 and 2016. She performed with top musicians such as internationally acclaimed jazz legend Gilbert Castellans a Bob Magnusson. Reka is currently an adjunct faculty 库亚马卡学院和圣地亚哥大学的成员,教授钢琴课, jazz history and improvisation.


Scott Walton, DMA




Office hours via Canvas.

History of Jazz (Mus-111) | History of Rock Music (Mus-115)


斯科特·沃尔顿是一位贝斯手兼钢琴家,他的音乐在爵士乐、 free improvisation, and classical avant-garde. A stalwart of the West Coast creative 音乐现场,他已经在整个北美和欧洲的主机合作进行 contexts, and his work is documented on over forty CD releases. As a bassist, critics 称赞他富有戏剧性的独奏(Downbeat),优美流畅的演奏(All About Jazz), and propulsive energy (OneFinalNote). Walton holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of California, San Diego. He has designed online music courses for 在加州和科罗拉多州的大学和学院任教,并担任过兼职教授 instructor for Cuyamaca College since 2001. In 2007, he launched the online versions of History of Rock and History of Jazz for the college.


Dawn Hanus




Intro to the Music Industry (Mus-104) | Music Industry Seminar


Dawn Hanus became the Music Director at KAOSFM Radio in Olympia, WA. As part of this 在这个角色中,她会与唱片公司沟通,并参加西雅图/奥林匹亚的音乐演出 area. 哈努斯教授后来获得了常青之州大学的文学学士学位 College. When Capitol Records offered her a job in the radio promotion department, she became the liaison between the artist and radio stations; responsible for radio airplay, concert tickets, and on-air giveaways. She later took a position in the Capitol 唱片制作工作室,协助黑胶唱片制作和工作室管理. 她最终在圣地亚哥州立大学获得了民族音乐学硕士学位 University. 哈努斯教授是录音学院的成员,并担任导师 with the GRAMMYU program. She’s a triple platinum, double gold RIAA recipient.


Thomas Babin, DMA




Office Hours:

History of Hip-Hop Culture (Mus-123)


汤米·巴宾在新斯科舍省的农村长大,拥有爵士乐和当代艺术学位 Classical music. His doctoral research involves both modern double bass repertoire and the jazz avant-garde of the 1960s.


作为一名教育工作者,他设计并教授了各种各样的音乐课程 从嘻哈到大卫·鲍伊,再到自由爵士,作为一名音乐家,他都很感兴趣 在世界范围内,获得了无数的奖项和荣誉,并被称为“坚固和精确” 《十大正规网赌软件app》用的是“肌肉”,《十大正规网赌软件app》用的是“肌肉”,《十大正规网赌软件app》用的是“易燃” Voice, and a "virtuoso" by the San Diego Reader.


Jasper Sussman




Choir (Mus-158, 159, 258, 259)


在她看来,音乐——一个相互关联的成长过程——是密不可分的 to ethical life.  
她是一名作曲家、歌唱家和跨学科正规网赌软件推荐,在纽约大学攻读博士学位 加州大学圣地亚哥分校的贾斯珀·萨斯曼(Jasper Sussman)致力于这项开发 and application of socially meaningful voicework. Her dissertation (forthcoming) explores 把声音理解为生态,把唱诗班理解为生态的概念和含义 socially-driven ecosystem. 
贾斯珀最近担任教育总监,独奏家,特约作曲家和 Sacra/Profana核心成员,“生存的理由”(ARTS)课后教学艺术家, 圣地亚哥儿童合唱团的声音教练和健康顾问,以及独奏家 美国合唱音乐会,圣地亚哥新音乐,索拉纳海滩长老会教堂,和许多 UCSD events. She holds degrees from the University of Michigan and Lawrence University, and her works are published in the Justice Choir Songbookand by See-a-dot Music Publishing.
Website: http://www.jasperalicekaye.com/

Department Staff


Derek Bertram




Music Technician


Derek has been Cuyamaca's Music Technician since 2018. He's thrilled to be part of the team that makes Cuyamaca's Performing Arts Department what it is!


Derek plays guitar and bass. He also has a passion for making videos and recording/editing all types of music. Some other hobbies include motorcycles, vintage cars, and mountain biking.